Monday, January 21, 2008

Rooftop To The Sky

-As I promised on my previous post, I would try to squeeze in a drawing or two during the leaders' retreat. While most of my time was filled with leadership talks and spending time with friends, I still found the time to do at least a drawing. It was 7:15 AM, and I was one of the earliest to wake up. I sat myself on the bench outside, in the cold, fresh air, and looked around for inspiration. So I sketched down the first thing I looked at, the rooftops of the building we were staying in and the breath-taking clouds in the sky.

After spending what seemed like five hours out in the freezing air, fingers numb and all, I decided that this drawing wasn't to be put to waste. So I did some quick, simple coloring on Photoshop and also added the clouds effect with brushes. Some experimenting at work there... *grin*

P/S- While coloring, I couldn't remember the exact colors of the building, so I gave it a shot with what was left of my memory.

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