Friday, October 26, 2007

"Damn Barber."

-Wanted to experiment with a different 'texture' as an alternative to plain coloring for a certain part of a drawing, so I thought that someone with an outrageous hairdo would be interesting and entertaining to try it out on.


Anonymous said...


Emoporer said...

I think my comments for each and everyone of your post will generally be the same... VERY NICE, as Denice says as well.

BTW, how did you digitally color the picture? Using photoshop?


Cedric said...

Yeah. I figured out 'digitally colored' sounds snazzier than 'Photoshopped.' ;)

Chris Gardner said...

c e d r i c, thanks for the nice words about the interview and the artwork! Very nice blog you've begun, I'll look forward to seeing more work so I can stop by and comment, I'll tell you one thing, you're better than I was when I was 15 years old, I never could have pulled off the excellent notebook with pen drawing, that's my favorite so far. It really is a beautiful drawing, couldn't be any better, looks very natural and skillfull. Keep it up my friend, I'll be back around. -Chris.