Friday, November 9, 2007

Fender Stratocaster

-I figured this blog needed an update, so I uploaded a simple piece, my first black and white here, of a Fender Strat. Despite me not playing an instrument, I am still very much interested in guitars and their bodies. (possibly influenced by my many guitar-playing friends)


Wong Wei-Ming said...

Dude.. You should start a tee-shirt label like Lawltees.. I wanna have these kinds of things on my tee!
And it'll be so cool if you drew and 'digitally coloured' this one

Wong Wei-Ming said...

Cedric said...

Haha. Thanks for the comment! I'll try when I find the time! :)

Unknown said...

I approve!

Anonymous said...

hi cedric
i love the strat pic
i own a strat copy and i a trying to design my own
i would realy apreciate it if you could email me some sketchs of the front and back of the strat and also a drawing of a telecaster
again amazing work