Friday, November 16, 2007


-It's time for die-hard Switchfoot fans, like me, to get hyped. Frontman Jon Foreman is releasing a solo EP, "Fall" due November 20th! "Organic, acoustic, folk" is what Philemon Thomas describes Jon's first EP, "Fall" (on Upon hearing some previews of his upcoming work, all I can say is it's gonna be really good. And he's releasing four (including "Fall") solo EPs prior to the next Switchfoot release. These EPs, titled "Fall", "Winter", "Spring", and "Summer", features some of Jon's most personal songs to date with innovative arrangements and inspired and intimate production. Get excited, people!

More info at and


Anonymous said...

Ahh this will be exciting

realhumangirl said...

have you ever thought about writing your own comic strip and getting it published?

Cedric said...

Haha. Comic strip, yes. Published, err... not at the moment lah. Got a lot of stuff to do now lah. Maybe next year. We'll see. :P