Monday, November 12, 2007

The Town That I Live In

-One of the subjects I rarely work on is building and landscape. But after seeing some artists' work, I decided to venture into working on my very own piece. Based loosely on Lehel Kovacs' architecture illustrations, I've completed possibly my most detailed, time-occupying piece in a long time. This drawing is of group of buildings/shop-lots in the city I live in: Kuala Lumpur.

*Click on image for larger size.


CL said...

Very nice. I love it!!

Cedric said...

Thanks for your comment! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey i think you're a really good artist! :)

Anonymous said...

You should try architecture from Prague, Czech Republic man... Saw the pics from my parents' holiday there.. Superb.... Anyway, Lehel Kovacs' drawings are so inspiring right! Haha keep it up... I want tees!

Cedric said...

Yeah Ming. I think Kovacs is a Russian or Czech (or one of those European countries) artist, and he draws a lot of the buildings there. Haha. The tees are coming, hopefully.

Anonymous, don't leave me hanging! Gimme a name! :)

Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry about the anonymous comment. it's Daphnie; Daniel's friend. :)

crystalcha28 said...
